
Coming to Terms with Autogynephilia

AGP Transsexual Apostate

Take it from a transsexual – transwomen are not women

What drives a man to want to become a woman? To answer this question, it’s worth looking back to the work of American-Canadian sexologist Ray Blanchard. In the 1980s, while working at the Toronto Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, he developed a somewhat controversial taxonomy of male-to-female transsexualism (1). He described one group simply as ‘homosexual transsexuals’ (HSTS). But it is his second group that interests me personally, because it encompasses my own experience as a male-to-female transsexual. A group needs a name – where would the transgender world be without labels? – and, in 1989, Blanchard coined the term ‘autogynephilia’ (2).

Religion Transsexual Apostate

The dilemma of being a transsexual Christian

As the Church of England once again tears itself apart over gay marriage, us transsexual Christians have slipped in under the radar. It’s been 24 years since the first transgender CofE priest, Carol Stone, returned to work in Swindon after gender reassignment surgery. Even in 2000, Stone’s parishioners weren’t that bothered about their ‘new’ vicar. I’ve also found my fellow Christians to be mostly welcoming – but that doesn’t mean being a trans Christian is without its dilemmas.

Transsexual Apostate

Irony of being lectured for not declaring my pronouns

The fashion for declaring your preferred pronoun is now so ubiquitous that it is difficult to be a conscientious objector.

On the surface, bowing to someone’s wish to be called ‘he’ or ‘she’ or ‘they’ is surely no more than a kind and thoughtful gesture that respects other people’s situations. And perfectly harmless. Except that it isn’t harmless. It transfers power. No longer do any of us have the freedom to perceive which sex-based pronouns best describe the human being standing in front of us: we are now expected to read the label and follow the instructions. Or else.

Transsexual Apostate

Even though I’ve had a sex change operation … I’m not and never will be a woman

You may think that changing your sexual identity should be an issue of concern solely to people like me. Though middle-aged and married with three children, after decades as a secret transvestite I came out and transitioned from a man to a woman, first socially by cross-dressing and changing my name from David to Debbie, then physically by subjecting myself to the extreme surgery of having my genitalia sliced and diced and reconfigured.

Transsexual Apostate

The Campaign Against Me by the Trans Lobby Was Unbelievably Nasty

As my thinking developed, the trans people I knew became more and more distant, particularly after I began to put my thoughts in print through pieces of journalism.

Transsexual Apostate

I went through an agonising operation because I thought becoming a woman would finally make me happy… Then I had a devastating revelation

Are you sure you want to do this?’ the anaesthetist at Charing Cross Hospital asked as I lay on the trolley ready for theatre, giving me one last chance to back out.

Transsexual Apostate

Transsexual Apostate: My Journey Back to Reality

‘Transwomen are men: Get over it’ – a personal account of how one transsexual did get over it, and found satisfaction and contentment as a result.